Cambridge CEM Blog

What affects educational achievement? - Quick Guide for Teachers

Written by Cambridge CEM | Jun 17, 2024 10:35:55 AM

The Quick Guides for Teachers collection have been curated by the research and development team at Cambridge CEM to share insight on how baseline assessments support a positive learning environment in the classroom.

So what really matters for educational success?

Educational success does not necessarily mean achieving the top grade in the final exam. Success can look different from student to student.

The research team at Cambridge CEM, led by Dr Irenka Suto as Head of Assessment, have developed a framework that supports a holistic view of what educational success looks like, which is based on extensive research and conversations with schools around the world.

The framework brings together five major areas that all feed into educational success and that can provide teachers with valuable insights:

  • Cognitive skills and capabilities
  • Cross-curricula knowledge, skills and understanding
  • Curriculum coverage (domain knowledge)
  • Environment (school, home, online)
  • Personal attributes (stable and transient)

This guide explains each of these areas more in depth, including how and where teachers can find the evidence to build a holistic profile of each student.

Download the full guide