Cambridge CEM

Sense and Accountability

The Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) has published a report today calling for...

Assessment and accountability

How many webpages, teacher forums and parent chat rooms abound with acerbic, defensive and...

Navigating Evidence

In recent months there has been a real surge of interest in the ways that evidence and research can...

Let’s give teachers the information they need to improve children’s academic outcomes

Since the early 1990s CEM has offered a baseline assessment for primary schools.

We know it is...

Teachers need greater support in order to understand and maximise the value of assessment in their classrooms

A new report, Testing the Water: How assessment can underpin, not undermine, great teaching,...

7 questions you need to ask about assessment

To a busy teacher, producing good assessments can be a time consuming and daunting prospect.


6 elements of great teaching

"You’re a teacher. You know how to help people learn hard stuff. Do that."

Professor Rob Coe


Is student progress the same as teacher effectiveness?

There’s plenty to cry ‘unfair’ about in teaching right now.

Five things you need to know about value-added

We all know that academic progress is an individual thing. Making progress relies on a whole range...

What makes great assessment?

Almost 20 years ago, at the very tail-end of the last century, Professor Rob Coe published his...