Cambridge CEM Blog

Read the latest articles on education and assessment written by teachers, school leaders and assessment experts.

Finding the ‘Sweet Spot’ of Teaching, Learning and Assessment

By Mark Frazer, Teaching and Learning Lead, CEM

In my previous blog post, I considered some of the...

Making a world of difference: my experience of using evidence in international schools

By Sue Holt, Vice Principal, New Cairo British International School

It would be an easy task to...

Assessment without Levels: Using CEM data

Has the removal of national curriculum levels in England created a broader interest in assessment...

What is PISA telling us, and what can teachers do about it?

By Mark Frazer, Teaching and Learning Lead, CEM

Since the publication of the results from the most...

How schools can engage with research and evidence

It makes sense that the most effective teaching methods are used in classrooms, and that the most...

Evidence-based education: expectations, barriers and pitfalls

By Dr Deborah M. Netolicky

Teachers, school leaders, schools, and education systems around the...

Data matters

There is broad agreement in research that effective use of data is vital to school improvement. We...

Evidence-Based Practice: What it is and what it isn’t

Introduced by Professor Rob Coe

We are delighted to host this piece by Gary Jones, in which he...

Reporting the evidence: what research can tell us about how assessment data is used

Katharine Bailey is Director of Policy here at CEM, and for many years she has been working...

Translating Evidence into Improvement: why is it so hard?

In February Schools NorthEast held their Evidence-based Excellence event, bringing together...