Cambridge CEM Blog

Read the latest articles on education and assessment written by teachers, school leaders and assessment experts.

Evidence-Based Practice: What it is and what it isn’t

Introduced by Professor Rob Coe

We are delighted to host this piece by Gary Jones, in which he...

Reporting the evidence: what research can tell us about how assessment data is used

Katharine Bailey is Director of Policy here at CEM, and for many years she has been working with...

Translating Evidence into Improvement: why is it so hard?

In February Schools NorthEast held their Evidence-based Excellence event, bringing together school...

Sense and Accountability

The Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) has published a report today calling for...

Assessment and accountability

How many webpages, teacher forums and parent chat rooms abound with acerbic, defensive and...

Navigating Evidence

In recent months there has been a real surge of interest in the ways that evidence and research can...

Let’s give teachers the information they need to improve children’s academic outcomes

Since the early 1990s CEM has offered a baseline assessment for primary schools.

We know it is...

Pupils taught well in Reception Class do better in their GCSEs

By Professor Christine Merrell

New research from academics at CEM and Durham University shows that...

How can evidence help schools spend money wisely?

By Kate Bailey, Director of Policy, CEM

The Queen’s speech after this year’s general election...

Teachers need greater support in order to understand and maximise the value of assessment in their classrooms

A new report, Testing the Water: How assessment can underpin, not undermine, great teaching,...