Cambridge CEM Blog

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Why do baseline tests assess vocabulary? - Quick Guide for Teachers

Vocabulary is important in every aspect of the curriculum. It gives students foundational knowledge...

How do baseline tests assess vocabulary? - Quick Guide for Teachers

Vocabulary is one of the key building blocks for helping students communicate effectively, but it’s...

What affects educational achievement? - Quick Guide for Teachers

The Quick Guides for Teachers collection have been curated by the research and development team at...

Quick Guide for Teachers: An introduction to baseline tests

Understanding student potential and then providing the opportunities for them to fulfil that...

Giving your Year 7 students a strong start

The transition from Year 6 to Year 7 is a significant milestone for students and their parents. It...

5 quick tips for improving primary student outcomes

Lucy Baker, a CEM assessment advisor and former primary school teacher, hosted a webinar where she...

Striking a balance between student potential and teacher expectations

As a classroom teacher I had many conversations about flight paths and the validity of GCSE target...

4 steps to data-based decision making for school improvement

Sue Holt has extensive experience in international education, holding various posts over 30 years...

Getting a clear picture of student wellbeing

More than ever, schools are looking at ways to discuss, promote and improve student wellbeing.


The right tools to evaluate, explore, teach and promote student wellbeing

The links between wellbeing and student achievement, relationships, behaviour and satisfaction are...