Cambridge CEM Blog

Read the latest articles on education and assessment written by teachers, school leaders and assessment experts.

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Insight Research

What is the relationship between CEM assessments and IGCSE grades?

By Dr Matthew Carroll, Research Division, Cambridge University Press & Assessment

When we produce...

Investigating student achievement at Key Stage 4

Andrew Lyth has been working at Cambridge CEM since 1999 as a Research Associate. Andrew previously...

Guess the Misconception

When I am lucky enough to talk to a group of maths teachers, whether it is in my school or one I am...

What is PISA telling us, and what can teachers do about it?

By Mark Frazer, Teaching and Learning Lead, CEM

Since the publication of the results from the most...

Practical science in schools

By Kirsty Younger

The Practical Work in Science study is nearing the end of its final year of data...

Practical work in science – CEM wants to hear from you

By Kirsty Younger

CEM wants to hear from you on practical work in science.

How much difference does going to school make?

By Professor Christine Merrell, CEM Director of Research Development.

The contribution of schooling...

Investigating Mathematical Attainment and Progress (IMAP)

by Dr Lee Copping

Low attainment is acknowledged to be one of the most serious problems in...

Education systems can only be accountable for what they can influence

Professor Peter Tymms, Director of iPIPS, CEM and School of Education, Durham University


NEON Summer Symposium 2016

Enabling wider access to Higher Education by Laura da Costa

In June of this year, a team of CEM...