Pricing calculator

Academic year 2025/26

This calculator will give you a rough guide to the price of your CEM assessments for academic year 2025/26 (in GBP).

Primary and Secondary subscriptions automatically renew on 1 May each year (for use the following academic year). We’ll carry over your student numbers from the current academic year unless you contact us to change them.

Early Years and Primary
Secondary and Post-16
Price List No. of students to assess Price per student Total price


No. of students Price per student £10.70 Total price £0.00


No. of students Price per student £7.40 Total price £0.00

BASE Progress

No. of students Price per student £14.70 Total price £0.00

BASE Inspection Ready

No. of students Price per student £16.90 Total price £0.00

Cambridge Primary Insight Core

No. of students Price per student £9.50 Total price £0.00

Cambridge Primary Insight Plus

No. of students Price per student £14.50 Total price £0.00
      Total £0.00
Price List No. of students to assess Product fee Total price


No. of students Product fee £160.00 Total price £0.00


No. of students Productfee £160.00 Total price £0.00


No. of students Product fee £210.00 Total price £0.00
      Total £0.00
Price List No. of students to assess Registration fee* Total price

CEM Select

No. Of Students To Assess Registration fee* £417.00 Total price £0.00

Wellbeing Check

No. Of Students To Assess Total price £0.00


No. Of Students To Assess Total price £0.00

Note: Purchases of the CEM Select entrance assessment do not automatically renew each year. If you currently purchase CEM Select, our customer support team will contact you directly about registering students for the next academic year.

Total Price:


How to contact us:

If you have any questions relating to CEM assessments, please contact our Customer Support Team.

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