Supporting English language learning with Cambridge Primary Insight
A flexible assessment that helps you monitor and support the progress of children aged 5 to 11
Are your students not making the progress you’d expect? Progress is an individual thing, and working with EAL learners presents a unique and complex set of challenges when it comes to identifying, understanding and supporting their learning needs.
Let us show you how Cambridge Primary Insight helps EAL learners make rapid progress.
Supporting EAL learners using baseline assessment
Differentiating between delayed second language and reading difficulties can be a particular challenge for teachers working with EAL students. We know that problems with reading comprehension is a common challenge for EAL students, and that without appropriate support it can have an impact on all areas of their schoolwork.
Demonstrate progress
Cambridge Primary Insight helps you measure progress in key developmental areas, which research shows are important to later academic success, across the primary phase.
Compare child performance
Cambridge Primary Insight gives you a clear benchmark to see how your EAL students compare with other children of the same age.
Support conversations with parents
Cambridge Primary Insight gives you an objective measure of potential and progress that can support conversations you have with parents about expectations and areas where support is needed.
Recognise individual needs
- Understand delayed language and reading
- Understand educational needs
Cambridge Primary Insight gives you powerful diagnostic information about the strengths and weakness of EAL students in:
- Reading, including; word recognition, word decoding, comprehension and spelling
- Maths, including: Number, measure, shape and space, data handling
Evaluate school performance
Cambridge Primary Insight gives you information for a single year group or across the school as a whole, helping you see trends and identify areas that may require wider intervention initiatives.
Tailor teaching to meet individual needs
Cambridge Primary Insight provides a wealth of valuable pupil data, which can support the learning plans and teaching approaches you use for your EAL learners.
Identify strengths
and areas for support
Discover how Cambridge Primary Insight helps teachers support Talha by pinpointing his strengths and areas where he may need further support.

Tailor teaching
to meet individual needs
YK Pao School offers a unique immersion bilingual programme and uses baseline assessments to understand whether their students need support with language or concepts.
If you would like to confidently assess the starting point of each of your EAL students, understand where they need support to make good progress, and introduce effective interventions and strategies to help them achieve their full potential,