Creating a positive environment for learning
A critical factor in the success of young people in schools is the environment in which they learn, play, and socialise together.
Teachers and researchers have been exploring how best to create an environment that both raises learner outcomes and maximises their future opportunities.
The Cambridge Schools Conference Series is an exciting opportunity to come together and explore the theme of creating a positive environment for learning through keynote presentations, workshops and breakout sessions.
The focus of the first conference in the series is the role of school leadership in developing a positive environment for learning and considering the impact periods of lockdown have had on student behaviour, learning loss and teacher communities of practice more broadly.
Explore the collection
Discover our range of resources!
We've selected a sample of our Quick Guides that give you insight on how assessments can support the creation of a positive learning environment.
What the experts say
Discover the helpful advice given by contributors on our CEM Blog.

Discover all the ways Cambridge CEM can support Senior Leaders to create a positive environment for learning in their school.

Research has shown that learners are most successful when School, Home and the Learner themselves work together.

Creating a culture of care
By Dr Irenka Suto, Assistant Director of Assessment, Cambridge CEM
Nurturing all aspects of a student’s growth acknowledges the broader social, societal, and economic responsibilities of education.

If we want students to develop into productive citizens, they not only need academic credentials but also good future mental health and wellbeing.

Young people are generally quite good at ‘putting a brave face on’ and problems often only become apparent once it is too late.

Establishing a healthy data culture
By Sarah Turner, Education Manager, Cambridge Assessment
Allow educators to use data as a tool for improvement rather than simply as a measure for accountability.

To use data really successfully, you need a good quality whole school data system with effective management.

6 elements of great teaching
By Cambridge CEM
Defining effective teaching is not straightforward and there are many facets to it that combine to make great learning happen.

It is so important that our leaders give us time and data in an easy to use, comparable format so that we can collaborate with our colleagues and make decisions.
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