Explore the research that CEM has conducted and contributed to over the years.
Year | Authors | Title | Source |
1988 | Tymms, P. B., Atkins, M.J. | TVEI Technology - Technological Activity in the 4th and 5th Year | - |
1987 | Tymms, P. B. | Choices Made at 16 in the Sunderland Area | - |
1987 | Tymms, P. B. | North Tyneside TVEI - Careers | - |
1997 | Tymms, P. B. | The Value Added National Project Technical Report: Primary 4 | - |
2004 | Tymms, P. B. | On Entry Baseline Assessment Across Cultures | Early Childhood Education: Society and Culture |
1991 | Tymms, P. B. | A Comparison Of Exam Boards: 'A' levels. | Oxford Review of Education |
1996 | Tymms, P. B. | Theories, Models and Simulations: School Effectiveness at an Impasse | Merging Traditions: The Future of Research on School Effectiveness and School Improvement |
1995 | Tymms, P. B. | Comparing Examination Boards and Syllabuses at A-Level: Students' Grades, Attitudes and Perceptions of Classroom Processes. Ref. 85678/4711 | - |
2004 | Tymms, P. B. | Children Starting School in Scotland | A report of research funded by the Scottish Executive Education Department |
2000 | Tymms, P. B. | Baseline assessment and progress during the first three years at school | Educational Research and Evaluation |
1999 | Tymms, P. B. | Baseline assessment, value-added and the prediction of reading | Journal of Research in Reading |
1999 | Tymms, P. B. | Assessment and Deaf Children: A Report on the Results from the PIPS Baseline Assessment | - |
1999 | Tymms, P. B. | Target-setting at Key Stage 2: An investigation carried out with the support of the NAHT | - |
1998 | Tymms, P. B. | PIPS and Key Stage 1 Results: Notes from an initial analysis | - |
1998 | Tymms, P. B. | Schooling and the attitudes of 7 year olds | - |
1998 | Tymms, P. B. | The attainment and progress of twins at the start of school | Educational Research |
1998 | Tymms, P. B. | Give our children a good reception | Nursery World |
1998 | Tymms, P. B. | Hitting a moving target | Independent |
1998 | Tymms, P. B. | Starting school: A response to Chris Whetton, Caroline Sharpe and Dougal Hutchinson | Educational Research |
1998 | Tymms, P. B. | Opening a can of worms: a critical examination of age-standardised scores | British Journal of Curriculum & Assessment |
1998 | Tymms, P. B. | Discussant's paper: A response to Geoff Lindsay | Baseline Assessment: Benefits and Pitfalls |
1998 | Tymms, P. B. | Accountability and Quality Assurance | How shall we school our children? |
1997 | Tymms, P. B. | Science in Primary Schools: An investigation into differences in the attainment and attitudes of pupils across schools | Research in Science and Technological Education |
1997 | Tymms, P. B. | Monitoring the Progress of Children during their First Years at School | Current Research in Early Childhood: OMEP updates |
1997 | Tymms, P. B. | High stakes in Ofsted inspections | The Times Higher |
1997 | Tymms, P. B. | Technical Report: Primary 3: Responses of Headteachers to Value-added and the impact of feedback | - |
1997 | Tymms, P. B. | Analysing your school's data and setting targets | - |
1996 | Tymms, P. B. | Baseline Assessment and Value-Added: A Report to the School Curriculum and Assessment Authority | - |
1996 | Tymms, P. B. | The Responses of Headteachers in Avon to Value-Added Feedback | - |
1996 | Tymms, P. B. | Error Terms in Simple and Complex Analyses | Feasibility Studies for a National System of Value Added Indicators |
1996 | Tymms, P. B. | Value Added 5-7 | - |
1995 | Tymms, P. B. | In Praise of Reception Classes | Term Time |
1995 | Tymms, P. B. | Students at the Front: Using Performance Indicators for Professional Development. | Educational Research |
1994 | Tymms, P. B. | The Comparability of Examination Boards at A Level: a report for the GCE Boards | - |
1994 | Tymms, P. B. | PIPS: Reception Assessment | - |
1993 | Tymms, P. B. | Accountability - Can it be fair? | Oxford Review of Education |
1992 | Tymms, P. B. | The Relationship of Homework to A-level Results | Educational Research |
1991 | Tymms, P. B. | Standard Grade Workload | - |
1991 | Tymms, P. B. | Students At The Front: A Successful Teaching Strategy? | - |
1990 | Tymms, P. B. | The Stability of School Effectiveness Indicators | - |
1990 | Tymms, P. B. | Can Indicator Systems Improve the Effectiveness of Science and Mathematics Education? The Case of the U.K. | Evaluation and Research in Education |
1986 | Tymms, P. B. | An Examination Of The A Level Results In One Area | - |
1989 | Tymms, P. B. | Peer Tutoring with 'A' level Chemistry Students | Paired Learning |
1997 | Tymms, P. B. | The First Year at School: A quantitative investigation of the attainment and progress of pupils | Educational Research and Evaluation |
1996 | Tymms, P. B. | PIMS: Frequently Asked Questions | - |
1996 | Tymms, P. B. | PIPS: Frequently Asked Questions | - |
1995 | Tymms, P. B. | The Reception Year: A Quantitative Investigation Of The Progress Made By Pupils And Their Attainment Levels | - |
1995 | Tymms, P. B. | Pre-School Experience: An Analysis of Reception Assessment Data. A report for the Audit Commission: Available from the Commission | - |
1995 | Tymms, P. B. | Primary Science: An Exploration of Differential Classroom Success | Research in Science & Technological Education |
1995 | Tymms, P. B. | The Long-Term Impact of Schooling | Evaluation and Research in Education |
1995 | Tymms, P. B. | How Can Primary Schools Help Science And How Can Science Help Primary Schools? | - |
1985 | Tree, A., Hazelwood, R.D. | A Common Focus for TVEI Evaluation | - |
1995 | Tymms, P. B. | A Comment on Gray, Jesson, Goldstein, Hedger and Rasbash | School Effectiveness and School Improvement - An International Journal of Research, Policy and Practice |
1987 | Townsin, S. | Sunderland TVEI - Simulated Factory: An Observational Study | - |
1986 | Townsin, S., Atkins, M. | TVEI Core in County Durham | - |
1986 | Townsin, S. | North Tyneside TVEI Evaluation - Education and Enterprise | - |
2003 | Tate, G. | Developing a picture of attainments and progress of deaf pupils in primary schools | Deafness and Education in the UK: Research Perspectives |
2001 | Tate, G. | Assessments Using BSL: Issues of translation for Performance Indicators in Primary Schools | British Educational Research Association Annual Conference |
2000 | Stout, J. | Change for the Better? The Impact of Baseline Assessment on Reception Class Teaching | Educational Research in Europe Yearbook 2000 |
1998 | Stout, J. | Starting Points: A National Survey of Reception Classes Teachers' Priorities and Practice | - |
1998 | Stafford, I. | Monitoring the physical and movement development of primary school children: a preliminary study | Health Education |
1998 | Select Committee Education Employment | Examination of Witnesses (Questions 60-83) - Professor Carol Fitz-Gibbon and Dr Peter Tymms | - |
1999 | Schagen, I. | Large Can - Not Many Worms: an evaluation of the role of age-standardised scores in the presentation of assessment data | British Educational Research Journal |
1997 | Preedy, P. | One Child in Thirty-Eight is a Twin: Addressing Their Needs | - |
1995 | Newton, D. | Is The GCSE Fair? Examination Success and Cognitive Style. | British Journal of Curriculum & Assessment |
2009 | Ndaji, F., Tymms, P. B. | The P scales: | Assessing the progress of children with special educational needs |
1996 | Murdoch, K. | Working with ALIS: A study of how schools and colleges are using a value-added and attitude indicator system | - |
1999 | Mosely, D. | Effective Pedagogy using Information and Communications Technology in Literacy and Numeracy in Primary Schools: Final Report to the Steering Group | - |
1987 | Morris, L.L. | How to measure performance and use tests | - |
1988 | Morris, L.L. | How to Communicate Evaluation Findings | - |
1978 | Morris, L.L. | How to Measure Program Implementation | - |
1978 | Morris, L.L. | How to Present an Evaluation Report | - |
1978 | Morris, L.L. | How to Measure Achievement | - |
1978 | Morris, L.L. | How to Deal with Goals and Objectives | - |
1978 | Morris, L.L. | Evaluator's Handbook | - |
1990 | Mitchell, R. | Site Visits in the Accreditation Process of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) | Evaluation & Research in Education |
2004 | Merrell, C. | Youth Crime Reduction / Prevention Programmes | BERA |
2006 | Merrell, C. | Identifying Reading Problems with Computer Adaptive Assessments | Journal of Computer Assisted Learning |
2005 | Merrell, C. | Rasch Analysis of Inattentive, Hyperactive and Impulsive Behaviour in Young Children and the Link with Academic Achievement | Journal of Applied Measurement |
2002 | Merrell, C. | Tackling Challenging Children | Literacy Today |
2002 | Merrell, C. | Working With Difficult Children In Years 1 and 2: A Guide For Teachers | - |
2005 | Merrell, C. | International Comparisons Of Early Literacy | Literacy Today |
2002 | Merrell, C. | National Theatre Final Evaluation Report | - |
2001 | Merrell, C. | Inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness: Their impact on academic achievement and progress | British Journal of Educational Psychology |
1998 | Merrell, C. | Academic Progress, Attention deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and School Effectiveness. | International Congress For School Effectiveness and Improvement |
1987 | McCabe, C., Hazelwood, R. | Long-term Perception of TVEI - Outcome of re-interview with 5th Year TVEI students in Northumbria | - |
1987 | McCabe, C., Hazelwood, R. | TVEI Cumbria Evaluation Report - No. 2 | - |
1987 | McCabe, C., Hazelwood, R. | TVEI Cumbria Evaluation Report | - |
1986 | McCabe, C., Hazelwood, R. | TVEI in Newcastle upon Tyne Evaluation Report No. 2 | - |
1985 | McCabe, C., Hazelwood, R. | TVEI Cumbria Evaluation Report | - |
1985 | McCabe, C., Hazelwood, R. | Northumberland TVEI Project - Evaluation Report | - |
1985 | McCabe, C., Hazelwood, R. | Newcastle upon Tyne TVEI Evaluation Report with 4th Year interviews | - |
1987 | McCabe, C. | Discussions with Teachers on Teaching Styles Newcastle upon Tyne | - |
1987 | McCabe, C. | Newcastle upon Tyne TVEI Evaluation Report | - |
1987 | McCabe, C. | Northumberland Pilot Project - Discussions with teachers on changes in teaching approaches | - |
1987 | McCabe, C. | Cumbria Evaluation Report - Changes in Teaching through TVEI | - |
1985 | McCabe, C. | TVEI Cumbria Evaluation Report | - |
1985 | McCabe, C. | TVEI Northumberland 1985 - Evaluation Report | - |
1985 | McCabe, C. | Newcastle-upon-Tyne TVEI Project | - |
1986 | McCabe, C. | The Sixteen Plus Choice. | - |
1977 | Malamuth, N. | Tutoring and Social Psychology: a theoretical analysis. | - |
1986 | McCabe, C. | The Co-Ordinator. | - |
1993 | Lacy, M. | Achievement Levels and Added Value (BTEC Added Value Report No 4) | - |
1973 | Kosecoff, J. | Many a Slip | Journal of Educational Evaluation |
1987 | King, J.A. | How to Assess Program Implementation | - |
1997 | Hulme, J. | Integrated Learning Systems: An analysis using data from monitoring systems (A Report for Phase 3 of NCET National Evaluation | - |
1987 | Horsley, I. A. | Stuttering Children: Investigation of a stereotype | British Journal of Disorders of Communication |
1990 | Hogg, G.W. | Great Performance Indicators of the Past | Performance Indicators |
1987 | Henerson, M.E. | How to Measure Attitudes | - |
2005 | He, Q. | A computer-assisted test design and diagnosis system for use by classroom teachers | Journal of Computer Assisted Learning |
1988 | Hazelwood, R. | Student Perception of Teaching and Learning Styles in TVEI. | Evaluation and Research in Education |
1988 | Hazelwood, R., Fitz-Gibbon, C.T.,Tymms, P.B. | Exam Results an dFollw up Attitude Data - Sunderland | - |
1987 | Hazelwood, R., McCabe, C. | Northumberland TVEI Evaluation - with special reference to 6th Form provision | - |
1987 | Hazelwood, R., Fitzgibbon, C.T. | Analysis of Large Scale Data Collection | - |
1987 | Hazelwood, R. | Exam Results and Follow-up Data - A Preliminary Analysis for the TVEI Steering Group | - |
1988 | Hazelwood, R. | Information Technology in Northumbrian Pilot Schools | - |
1988 | Hazelwood, R. | Exam Results and Follow-up Attitude Data - Cumbria | - |
1986 | Hazelwood, R. | Some thoughts teachers industrial action on TVEI - A Discussion Document | - |
1988 | Haywood, R., Tymms, P.B. | Attitudes to School and the Future - Follow-up Survey - 5th Year | - |
1988 | Haywood, R., Tymms, P.B. | Classroom Activity - A Report based on Classroom Observation in the 4th & 5th Years | - |
1990 | Haywood, R., Baxter, B. | Gateshead TVEI Pilot - Evaluation Report: Alis data, One-year Sixth | - |
1987 | Haywood, R. | Gateshead TVEI Evaluation - First Report to the Executive Committee | - |
1996 | Gray, J. | Merging Traditions: The Future of Research on School Effectiveness and School Improvement | - |
2004 | Fleming, M. | The impact of drama on pupils' language, mathematics and attitude in two primary schools | Research in Drama Education |
2000 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | An 'Ofsted' for health? | The Times |
2002 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Technical and Ethical Issues in Indicator Systems: Doing things right and doing wrong things | Education Policy Analysis Archives |
2002 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | A Typology of Indicators | School Improvement Through Performance Feedback |
2002 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | 'Trust not in Ofsted - and keep your data dry' | Briefing |
2002 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Evaluation in an Age of Indicators | Evaluation (Special Issue: European Evaluation Society Conference) |
2001 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | When will they ever learn? Making children work harder can often lead to worse results | New Statesman |
2001 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Value Added and other useful indicators: The work of the Curriculum, Evaluation and Management Centre (CEM) | Assessment Matters |
2001 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | The Future of Inspection | Education Review |
2001 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Bringing out the best in pupils | The Sunday Times Parent Power Supplement |
2000 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Quality, Science and Soros's Reflexivity Concept: A Value-Added Approach | Quality and Educational Management: A European Issue (ENIRDEM Conference Papers, Budapest, 1999) |
2000 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Education: realising the potential | What Works? Evidence-based policy and practice in public services |
2000 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | School Effectiveness and Education Indicators | The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research |
1999 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Ofsted is inaccurate and damaging: How did we let it happen? | Forum |
1999 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Long-term Consequences of Curriculum Choices with Particular Reference to Mathematics and Science | School Effectiveness and School Improvement |
1999 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Education: High Potential Not Yet Realized | Public Money & Management: Integrating Theory and Practice in Public Management |
1998 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Transcript: House of Commons Minutes of Evidence taken before the Education and Employment Committee Education Sub-Committee | - |
1998 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | The Value of Value Added | Managing Schools Today |
1998 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Value Added | The School Management Handbook |
1997 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Difficulties Regarding Subject Difficulties: developing reasonable explanations for observable data | Oxford Review of Education |
1999 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Is Ofsted helpful? An evaluation using social science criteria | An Inspector Calls: Ofsted and its effect on school standards |
2001 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | What's all this about 'evidence'? | Learning and Skills Research |
2004 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Editorial: The need for randomized trials in social research | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A |
2001 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | JORE - Journal of Robust Evaluation. An on-line journal | Third Evidence-Based Policies and Indicator Systems Conference |
1999 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | A poor report | Guardian Education |
1998 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Value Added: Promises and Problems | Conference and Common Room |
1998 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Ofsted: time to go? | Managing Schools Today |
1998 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Indicator Systems for Schools: Fire-Fighting It Is! | Directions in Educational Psychology |
1998 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Concerns about peer review methods of ESRC | Research Intelligence (BERA Newsletter) |
1982 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Questionnaire on Assessment | Committee on the Training of University Teachers Assessment Seminar |
1995 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | The Value-added National Project General Report: Issues to be considered in the design of a national value added system | - |
1994 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Value-added | - |
1993 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Quality Assurance Systems in Education. | Quality and its Applications |
1993 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Changing Relationships: Examinations, Continuous Assessment and Fairness. | - |
1993 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Evaluation, Monitoring and School Improvement. | Evaluation and Research in Education |
1991 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | 'A'levels: corrective comparisons. Managing Schools Today | - |
1990 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Analysing examination results. In Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. (Ed.) Performance Indicators: a BERA Dialogue | - |
1990 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Performance Indicators: educational considerations. In Levacic, R. (Ed) Financial Management in Education Milton Keynes: Open University Press | - |
1990 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | An Up-and-Running Indicator System. In Performance Indicators: a BERA Dialogue | - |
1989 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Learning from unwelcome data: Lessons from the TVEI examination results. | Clevedon, Avon: |
1988 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Performance Indicators and the TVEI pilot. | Evaluation and Research in Education |
1988 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Recalculating the standard. 26-8-88 | The Times Educational Supplement |
1987 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | School Effects at A-level: ability tests and A-level grades. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the British Educational Research Association. Manchester. September 1987 BERA PAPER | - |
1985 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Using audio tapes in questionnaire administration. Research Intelligence 19 | - |
1981 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Time Use and Peer Tutoring in Urban Secondary Schools: | Report for the Social Science Research Council. University of Newcastle upon Tyne |
1977 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | A Survey of Tutoring Projects. | - |
1977 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Tutoring and Title I. CSE Report on Tutoring. Los Angeles: Centre for the Study of Evaluation. | - |
1977 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | A Survey of Cross-age Tutoring Projects. CSE Report on Tutoring. Los Angeles: Centre for the Study of Evaluation. | - |
1987 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | How to design a program evaluation | - |
1996 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Improving School Inspection | Ofstin Conference |
1999 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | School Improvement: Two Essential Approaches and One Very Good Idea | School Improvement in the UK: A Handbook for British Council Staff and Key International Contacts |
1997 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Using value added data to investigate ILS materials | Integrated Learning Systems: Potential into practice |
1997 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Will 'joy' in work be helped or hindered by value added indicators? Applying Deming to education | Total Quality Management |
1997 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | When the Inspector Calls ... | Report: The Magazine from the Association of Teachers and Lecturers |
1997 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Feasibility Studies for a National System of Value Added Indicators | - |
1997 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Ofsted's methodology | A better system of inspection? |
1997 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Monitoring with feedback: the democratisation of data | Quality in Education |
1997 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Listening to students and the 50 per cent framework | Separate but equal? : A levels and GNVQs |
1996 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Why value added is here to stay | Managing Schools Today |
1997 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Concentrated and distributed research: reflective observations on methodology | Separate but equal? : A levels and GNVQs |
1996 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Official Indicator Systems in the UK: Examinations and Inspections | International Journal of Educational Research |
1996 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | The Design And Use Of Monitoring Education: Indicators, Quality and Effectiveness | - |
1996 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Monitoring school effectiveness: simplicity and complexity | Merging Traditions: The Future of Research on School Effectiveness and School Improvement |
1996 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Experiments, Qualitative Data and Feedback | Evaluation |
1995 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Characteristics of students taking Advanced GNVQs | - |
1995 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Value Added in the UK | Anglo-French Seminar on Value Added |
1995 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Global Mathematics Report: School X as seen from data provided by the YELLIS project | - |
1995 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | The ALEX project as seen from the ALIS database | - |
1995 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Standards in A level Mathematics | Annual Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science |
1995 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Monitoring 16-19 Education | British Association for the Advancement of Science |
1995 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Mental Cruelty and Inadequate Methodology? | Education Today and Tomorrow |
1995 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Measuring Value Added in Schools: Distributed Research | Education and Training Statistics |
1995 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Issues to be considered in the design of a National Value Added System | - |
1995 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Helping - when is it helpful? | International Conference on Student Tutoring (BP sponsored) |
1995 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Are standards in Mathematics declining? | British Association for the Advancement of Science |
1994 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Performance Indicators, Value-Added and Quality Assurance | Improving Education |
1994 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Long-Term Consequences of Curriculum Choices | British Educational Research Association |
1994 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Candidates' Performance In Public Examinations in Mathematics and Science | - |
1993 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | The BTEC Added Value Project: Comparisons with A level | - |
1993 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Students' Attitudes and Levels of Satisfaction | - |
1993 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Monitoring with Feedback: The Democratisation of Data. In Paterson (ed.). Measuring schools: the rights and wrongs of practice in Scotland. | Quality in Education |
1993 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | The Implications of Differential Effectiveness of Schools:simplicity, complexity and Social Systems | ESRC Seminar Series on School Effectiveness |
1993 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Intake Characteristics No 1 | - |
1993 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Achievement Levels and Added Value | - |
1992 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | School Effects at A-level: Genesis of an Information System? | School Effectiveness: Research, Policy and Practice |
1992 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Performance Indicators and Examination Results | Scottish Office Education Department. |
1992 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Letter | Research Intelligence |
1992 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Empower and Monitor. The EM algorithm for the creation of effective schools | School Effectiveness and Improvement |
1992 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | The Design of Indicator Systems - The Role of Education in Universities, and the Role of Inspectors/Advisers: A Discussion and a Case Study. | Research Papers in Education - Policy and Practice |
1992 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | ALIS in Blunderland | Effective Schools: The Journal of the Secondary Heads'Association |
1991 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Multilevel Modelling in an Indicator System | Schools, Pupils and Classrooms: International Studies of Schooling from a Multilevel Perspective |
1991 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Indicators in the US and the UK | Evaluation and Research in Education |
1991 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Evaluation of School Performance in Public Examinations: A Report for the Scottish Office Education Department | - |
1990 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Program Evaluation Kit: How to Analyze Data | - |
1990 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | An Up-and-Running Indicator System | Performance Indicators: a BERA Dialogue |
1990 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Success and Failure In Peer Tutoring Experiments | Explorations in Peer Tutoring |
1990 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Setting examination results in context | Performance Indicators: A BERA Dialogue |
1990 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Review of: AS levels: Implications for School, Examinating Boards and Universities. Research Intelligence: Autumn | - |
1990 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Program Evaluation Kit | - |
1990 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Performance Indicators: a BERA Dialogue | - |
1989 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Performance Indicators and Information Systems | School Effectiveness and Improvement: Proceedings of the First International Congress, London 1988 |
1989 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Review of K Topping,K: The Peer Tutoring Handbook | British Educational Research Journal |
1989 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | A-levels in the UK: school effects | ESRC Invitational Conference on Multi-Level Modelling |
1989 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Computer analysis of qualitative data | Research Intelligence |
1988 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Review of K Kavale and S Forness: The Science of Learning Disablities | British Journal of Disorders of Communication |
1987 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | How to analyze data | - |
1987 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Terse Reports: Towards Experimental Research Synthesis in Education | Evaluation and Research in Education |
1987 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | TERSE reports: Towards Experimental Research Syntheses in Education | Evaluation and Research in Education |
1986 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | School differences at A-level: implications for policy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the British Educational Research Association, Bristol. | - |
1986 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | The roles of the TVEI 'Local' Evaluator | Evaluating TVEI: some methodological issues |
1986 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | In defence of randomised controlled trials, with suggestions about the possible use of meta-analysis | British Journal of Disorders of Communication |
1985 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | A-Level Results in Comprehensive Schools: The Combse Project Year 1 | Oxford Review of Education |
1984 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | The traditional A-level sixth form in comprehensive schools: the first year of a continuing 'School Effects' study.Paper presented at the annual meeting of the British Educational Research Association. Lancaster, September 1984 BERA PAPER | - |
1983 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Confidential, Measurement-Based, Self-evaluation | - |
1982 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Time Variables in classroom research: a study of eight urban secondary school Mathematics classes | British Journal of Educational Psychology |
1980 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Measuring Time-use and Evaluating Peer Tutoring in urban secondary schools: Final Report for the Social Science Research Council, HR6570 | - |
1980 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Review of K D Hopkins: Basic Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences | British Educational Research Journal |
1978 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | How to Calculate Statistics | - |
1980 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Review of K D Hopkins: Basic Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences | British Educational Research Journal |
1978 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Setting up and Evaluating Tutoring projects | - |
1978 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Review of Allen, V (Ed) Children as Teachers:Theory and Research on Tutoring | American Educational Research Journal |
1978 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | An examination of the literature on tutoring | - |
1977 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Setting up and Evaluating Tutoring Projects: CSE report on Tutoring Projects | - |
1977 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | An Examination of the Literature on Cross-age Tutoring | - |
1977 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Cross-age Tutoring: Some New Ideas | - |
1975 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | The Role Change Intervention: Relevant research into a promising program for secondary schools. Paper presented at Urban Education National Conference, Kansas City, Missouri. | - |
1975 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | The Role Change Intervention: an experiment in cross-age tutoring | UCLA Graduate School of Education |
1972 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Mentally Gifted Disadvantaged Students: An Investigation of methods of identification, including the use of 'Culture Fair' Tests, at the Eighth Grade Level. Final Report for Project No. 1-1-057 of the U.S. Office of Education. Los Angeles, California. ( | - |
1986 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft Report No. 3 | - |
1985 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Pupils' Perceptions of TVEI Report No. 4 | - |
1985 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Role of the TVEI Local Evaluator - Report No. 2 | - |
1985 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | First Impressions - TVEI in Sunderland - Report No. 1 | - |
1986 | Finch, I. | Student Profiling - Cramlington High School Northumberland | - |
1989 | Falchikov, N. | Peer Tutoring in Higher Education: an experiment. | - |
1999 | Farrow, S. | Homework and Attainment in Primary Schools | British Educational Research Journal |
1991 | Elsom, D. | ALIS - comparisons without malice. | - |
1995 | Ellsbury, J.T. | The Impact of Student Tutoring on Pupils' Educational Aspirations: Evidence from Tyneside | - |
1995 | Ellsbury, J.T. | The impact of student tutoring on pupils' educational aspirations: evidence from Tyneside | - |
1997 | Edwards, A.D. | Separate but Equal?: A levels and GNVQs | - |
1997 | Duffy, M., Boothroyd, C., Fitz-Gibbon, C.T., McNicholas, J., Thompson, M., Stern. E., Wragg, T. | A Better System of Inspection? | - |
1985 | Dockrell, B. | Workshop on meta-analysis Report to ESRC | - |
2002 | Coe, R. | Evidence on the Role and Impact of Performance Feedback in Schools | School Improvement Through Performance Feedback |
2001 | Coe, R. | Using Videoconferencing to Teach Foreign Languages: Methodological implications of a small trial with no clear results | Third Evidence-Based Policies and Indicator Systems Conference |
2000 | Coe, R. | Target Setting and Feedback: Can they raise standards in schools? | British Educational Research Association Annual Conference |
2000 | Coe, R. | Evaluation and Research in Education. Special Issue: Evidence-Based Policies and Indicator Systems | - |
1998 | Coe, R. | School Effectiveness Research: criticisms and recommendations | Oxford Review of Education |
1998 | Coe, R. | School Effectiveness Research: Criticisms and Recommendations | European Conference for Educational Research |
2000 | Cheek, D.W. | The English Reforms Are Not for Us | Education Week: American Education's Newspaper of Record |
2004 | CEM Centre | Examining On-Entry Assessments across Cultures (DVD) | - |
1994 | Carrington, B. | Headteachers' Perspective On Primary Education Policy | Teacher Education Reform |
1993 | Carrington, B. | For Primary Heads, Mum's Not The Word | - |
1986 | Beattie, J., Straker, N., Davis.V. | North Yorkshire TVEI - Evaluation Report | - |
1986 | Beattie, J., Straker, N. | North Yorkshire TVEI - Evaluation Report | - |
1985 | Beattie, J. | North Tyneside TVEI Evaluation- The Provision of Equal Opportunities | - |
1985 | Beattie, J. | North Tyneside TVEI Evaluation- The Role of Information Technology | - |
1985 | Beattie, J. | North Tyneside TVEI Project - Evaluation Report | - |
2004 | Barmby, P. | Evaluating the MEI 'Enabling Access to Further Mathematics' Project | Teaching Mathematics and its Applications |
1989 | Atkins, M.J., Tymms, P. B. | East Durham TVEI Pilot - Final Report | - |
1985 | Atkins, M.J. | TVEI Scheme in County Durham - First Local Evaluation Report | - |
1975 | Alkin, M.C. | Methods and Theories of Evaluating Programmes | Journal of Research and Development in Education |
1974 | Alkin, M.C. | Evaluation and decison-making The Title VII experience. C.S.E. Monograph Series in Evaluation | - |
1986 | Gateshead TVEI Evaluation - Report No. 1 | - | |
1987 | TVEI General - Lessons from the Pilot | - | |
1988 | North Tyneside TVEI - Information Technology Report | - | |
1990 | Tymms, P. B. | The Effect of a National Initiative on Exam Results | School Effectiveness and School Improvement |
1992 | Tymms, P. B. | Quality Control Network | - |
1992 | Tymms, P. B. | The Relative Success of Post 16 Institutions in England (Including 'Assisted Places Schools'). | British Educational Research Journal. |
1992 | Tymms, P. B. | The Relationship of Part-Time Employment and A-level results. | Educational Research |
1995 | Tymms, P. B. | Influencing Educational Practice Through Performance Indicators. | School Effectiveness and School Improvement |
1996 | Tymms, P. B. | The Value Added National Project: Second Technical Report: Primary | - |
1996 | Tymms, P. B. | Toe on the baseline | Times Education Supplement : TES2 |
1995 | Tymms, P. B. | The Value Added National Project Technical Report: Primary | - |
1995 | Tymms, P. B. | Technical Report: Primary | - |
1995 | Tymms, P. B. | Value-added and the assessment of science | Finding out what pupils know - How reliable is testing? |
1995 | Tymms, P. B. | An Assessment of the Achievements and Attitudes of the Year 6 Pupils who have been heavily involved in Information Technology across the technology | - |
1996 | Tymms, P. B. | The Value Added National Project Second Primary Technical Report: An analysis of the 1991 Key Stage 1 data linked to the 1995 KS2 data provided by Avon LEA | - |
1997 | Tymms, P. B. | Responses of Headteachers to Value-added and the Impact of Feedback: The Value Added National Project, Technical Report: Primary 3 | - |
1997 | Tymms, P. B. | Value-added Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 | - |
1998 | Tymms, P. B. | Baseline Assessment: Benefits and Pitfalls | - |
1998 | Tymms, P. B. | The impact of schooling on the self-concepts and attitudes of 7 year olds | European Conference on Educational Research |
1999 | Tymms, P. B. | Baseline Assessment and Monitoring in Primary Schools: Achievements, Attitudes and Value-added Indicators | - |
1999 | Tymms, P. B. | Homework, Common Sense, Politics and the Defence of Research: Peter Tymms to BERA Membership | Research Intelligence |
1999 | Tymms, P. B. | Response to Ian Schagen --- Large Can - Not Many Worms: an evaluation of the role of age-standardised scores in the presentation of assessment data | British Educational Research Journal |
1999 | Tymms, P. B. | Target-setting | Education Journal |
2000 | Tymms, P. B. | Letter: Schools' experience of league tables should make doctors think again | British Medical Journal |
2000 | Tymms, P. B. | Analysing your school's data and setting targets for primary schools (Revised Edition) | - |
2001 | Tymms, P. B. | The development of a computer-adaptive assessment in the early years | Educational and Child Psychology |
2001 | Tymms, P. B. | The influence of Key Performance Indicators on the adoption of Evidence Based Policies | Third Evidence-Based Policies and Indicator Systems Conference |
2001 | Tymms, P. B. | Making Accountability Work in England | Orbit |
2001 | Tymms, P. B. | A Test of the Big Fish in a Little Pond Hypothesis: An Investigation Into the Feelings of Seven-Year-Old Pupils in School | School Effectiveness and School Improvement |
2002 | Tymms, P. B. | Theories, hypotheses, hunches and ignorance | Building Research Capacity: Journal of the ESRC Teaching and Learning Research Programme Research Capacity Building Network |
2002 | Tymms, P. B. | Primary Quality Mark Research: Module 1 Summary | - |
2002 | Tymms, P. B. | Performance Indicators in Primary Schools | School Improvement Through Performance Feedback |
2002 | Tymms, P. B. | The attainments and progress of children starting school | Interplay |
2002 | Tymms, P. B. | Review of Charles Teddlie and David Reynolds (Eds) The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research. London: Falmer Press | Journal of Curriculum Studies |
2003 | Tymms, P. B. | Celebration of the Success of Distributed Research with Schools: the CEM Centre, Durham | British Educational Research Journal |
2003 | Tymms, P. B. | Young deaf children and the prediction of reading and mathematics | Journal of Early Childhood Research |
2004 | Tymms, P. B. | Using baseline assessment data to make international comparisons | British Educational Research Journal |
2004 | Tymms, P. B. | Are standards rising in English primary schools? | British Educational Research Journal |
2006 | Tymms, P. B. | The impact of screening and advice on inattentive, hyperactive and impulsive children | European Journal of Special Needs Education |
2006 | Tymms, P. B. | Difficulties and dilemmas in the assessment of special educational needs | Educational & Child Psychology |
2001 | Visscher, A.J. | Review of 'Baseline Assessment and Monitoring in Primary Schools: achievements, attitudes and value-added indicators | Assessment in Education |
2002 | Visscher, A.J. | School Improvement Through Performance Feedback | Contexts of Learning: Classrooms, Schools and Society |
2002 | Wiggins, A. | Dysfunctional Effects of League Tables: A Comparison Between English and Scottish Primary Schools | Public Money & Management |
1990 | Wilcox, B. | Performance Indicators the search for the Holy Grail of quality | - |
1990 | Williamson, J. | On the lack of impact of information: performance indicators for A-Levels | Educational Management and Administration |
1992 | Williamson, J. | ALIS through the Looking Glass: Changing Perceptions of Performance Indicators | Educational Management and Administration |
2010 | Merrell, C., Tymms, P.B. | Changes in children's cognitive development at the start of school in England 2001-2008 | - |
2012 | Stothard, S.E., Warmington, M., Snowling, M. | Assessing Dyslexia in Higher Education | Assessing Dyslexia in Higher Education: The York Adult Assessment Battery-Revised |
2013 | Merrell, C., Styles, I., Jones, P., Tymms, P.B., Wildy, H. | Cross-country Comparisons of Inattentive, Hyperactive and Impulsive Behaviour in School-Based Samples of Young Children | International Research in Early Childhood Education 4 |
1992 | Sanderson, P. | Cross-age peer tutoring in science | School Science Review |
2004 | Ndaji, F. | Using Item Response Theory (Rasch Model) to investigate the existence of bottlenecks at the various levels of the P-scales | BERA 2004 |
1979 | Morris, L.L. | Como Seleccionar Presentar Interpretar Los Resultados De Un Diseno Para Evaluaciou | - |
2001 | CEM Centre | PIPS Technical Report 2001 | PIPS Technical Report |
2005 | Merrell, C. | InCAS (Interactive Computerised Assessment System): Using Individual Diagnostic Profiles In Assessment For Learning | EARLI 11th Biennial Conference: Integrating Multiple Perspectives on Effective Learning Environments: 23-27 August 2005 |
2004 | Merrell, C. | Diagnosing and Remediating Literacy Problems Using INCAS Software: Identifying Reading and Spelling Difficulties and Providing Help | - |
2005 | Merrell, C. | A longitudinal study of the achievements progress and attitudes of severly inattentive, hyperactive and impulsive young children | BERA |
2005 | Merrell, C. | The impact of early interventions and pre-school experience on the cognitive development of young children in England | AERA Annual General Meeting, Session 70.091 |
2007 | Merrell, C. | Identifying reading problems with computer adaptive assessments | Journal of Computer Assisted Learning |
2004 | Hattie, J. | Meta-analysis | Powerpoint Presentation |
2001 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Value Added for Those in Despair: Research Methods Matter (The Twentieth Vernon-Wall Lecture) | - |
2000 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T.n | Cross-age tutoring: should it be required in order to reduce social exclusion? | Combating Social Exclusion Through Education: Laissez-faire, Authoritarianism or Third Way? |
1997 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | The Value Added National Project Final Report - Feasibility studies for a national system of value-added indicators | - |
1998 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Darwinian Schools: Schooling in the Twenty-First Century | Developing Education: Fifteen years on |
1975 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Theory Based Evaluation. Evaluation Comment. 5 1 | - |
1995 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Ofsted, schmofsted | School Inspection |
1992 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Peer and Cross-Age Tutoring | Encyclopedia of Educational Research |
1988 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Peer Tutoring as a Teaching Strategy | Educational Management and Administration |
1985 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Peer Tutoring Projects: Social Education Improves Achievement | NOISE: Journal of the National Association for Initiatives in Social Education |
1985 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | The Implications of Meta-analysis for Educational Research | British Educational Research Journal |
1984 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Meta-analysis: an explication | British Educational Research Journal |
1983 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Peer Tutoring: a possible method for multi-ethnic education | New Community |
1982 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | Peer Tutoring: brightening up FL teaching in an urban comprehensive school | British Journal of Language Teaching |
2003 | Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. | ICP 2003 Powerpoint Presentation | - |
1982 | Cohen, P.A. | Educational outcomes of tutoring: A meta-analysis of findings. | American Educational Research Journal |
2008 | Charnley, J. | The GCSE Performance Of Independent School | Gender And School Type Differences |
2004 | Tymms, P. B. | Screening and Classroom Interventions For Inattentive, Hyperactive and Impulsive Young Children - A Longitudinal Study | AERA Annual Meeting 2004 |
2004 | Tymms, P. B. | Screening and Interventions for Inattentive, Hyperactive and Impulsive Children: End of Award Report | - |
2010 | Forster, N., Metcalfe, I. | Using MidYIS Individual Pupil Records (IPRs) to Inform Teaching and Learning | - |
2014 | Byatt, R. | Creating the next Generation of E-Assessments in the Real World | - |
2013 | Merrell, C., Tymms, P.B. | Working with Difficult Children in Primary Schools | - |
2013 | Coe, R. | IMPROVING EDUCATION A triumph of hope over experience | - |
2001 | Tymms, P. B. | Standards, Achievement and Educational Performance: A Cause for Celebration? | Education, Reform and the State: Twenty-Five Years of Politics, Policy and Practice |
2003 | Tymms, P. B. | Basisprufverfahren und Dauerbeobachtung in der Grundschule (Baseline assessment and monitoring in primary schools) | Symposium 'Anschlussfahige Bildungsprozesse im Elementar- und Primarbereich' (Connectable Processes in Elementary and Primary Section) |
2004 | Tymms, P. B. | Value-Added in the Primary School League Tables: A Report for the National Association of Head Teachers | - |
2002 | Try it and see: In the social sciences, it is often supposed, there can be no such thing as a controlled experiment. Think again | The Economist | |
2002 | CEM Centre | Issues and Evidence Newsletter Issue 4 | - |
2002 | CEM Centre | Issues and Evidence Newsletter Issue 2 | - |
2002 | CEM Centre | Issues and Evidence Newsletter Issue 1 | - |
1978 | Carver, R.P. | The Case Against Statistical Significance Testing. | Harvard Educational Review |
2005 | Carrington, B. | Role models, school improvement and the 'gender gap' - Do men bring out the best in boys and women the best in girls? | EARLI 11th Biennial Conference: Integrating Multiple Perspectives on Effective Learning Environments: 23-27 August 2005 |
1969 | Campbell, D.T. | Reforms as experiments | American Psychologist |
2004 | Barmby, P. | Recruiting and retaining teachers - Findings from recent studies | Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association |
2010 | Ndaji, F., Tymms, P.B. | The P scales - how well are they working? | British Journal of Special Education |
2010 | Ndaji, F., Tymms, P.B. | P scales: the state of SEN assessment | SEN Special Educational Need |
2009 | Ndaji, F., Tymms, P.B. | Categorising Special Needs | SEN Special Educational Needs |
2014 | Coe, R., Aloisi, C., Higgins, S., Major, L.E. | What makes great teaching? | Sutton Trust Report |
2015 | Sayal, K., Merrell, C., Tymms, P.B., Kasim, A. | Academic Outcomes following a school-based RCT for ADHD: 6 year follow-up, Journal of Attention Disorders | - |
2015 | Sayal, K., Mills, J., White, K., Merrell, C., Tymms, P.B. | Predictors of and Barriers to service use for children at risk of ADHD: Longitudinal study, European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry | - |
2015 | Tymms, P.B., Merrell, C., Wildy, H. | The progress of pupils in their first school year across classes and educational systems. | British Educational Research Journal. 41 (3) 365 – 380 |
2015 | Rocha Mazzuchelli, D.S., Batista Araujo, J., Oliveira, E., Costa, M. | Trabalhando com crianças pequenas desatentas, hiperativas e impulsivas em sala. Um guia para educadores. | Portuguese translation of Merrell, C. and Tymms, P. (2012) Working with Difficult Children in Primary Schools. A Guide for Teachers – 2nd Edition. Pub. Durham, UK: Durham University. ISBN 9780907552079. |
2014 | Gawrilow, C., Zürcher, A. | Maßnahmen und Strategien zur Unterrichtsgestaltung – nicht nur für Kinder mit ADHS. Übersetzt, angepasst und ergänzt von Bettine Reich. Pub. Germany: Universität Tübingen, Fachbereich. | German translation of Merrell, C. and Tymms, P. (2012) Working with Difficult Children in Primary Schools. A Guide for Teachers – 2nd Edition. Pub. Durham, UK: Durham University. |
2014 | Merrell, C., Little, J., Coe.R. | Is the Attainment Gap among Primary Aged Children Decreasing? In Harnessing what works in eliminating educational disadvantage: A tale of two classrooms, Eds. Wood, C. and Scott, R. Pub. Demos: London. | - |
2014 | Kardanova, E., Ivanova, A., Merrell, C., Hawker, D. Tymms, P.B. | The role of the iPIPS assessment in providing high-quality value-added information on school and system effectiveness within and between countries. Basic Research Program Working Papers. | Series: Education WPBRP 20/EDU/2014. Pub. Moscow Higher School of Economics. |
2014 | Tymms, P.B., Merrell, C., Hawker. D., Nicholson, F. | Performance Indicators in Primary Schools: A comparison of performance on entry to school and the progress made in the first year in England and four other jurisdictions: Research report | Department for Education: London |
2013 | Merrell, C., Aloisi, C. | Evaluation of the Relationships between Children’s Backgrounds, Book Ownership, Attainment and Attitudes. Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (CEM), Durham University, UK | - |
2014 | Jones, K.L., Tymms, P.B. | Ofsted's role in promoting school improvement: The mechanisms of the school inspection system in England | Oxford Review of Education 40(3): 315-330 |
2015 | Kokotsaki, D. | Improving the primary-secondary transition in music education | Nuffield Foundation |
2015 | See, B.H., Kokotsaki, D. | Impact of arts education on the cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes of school-aged children | Durham University |
2016 | Tymms, P.B., Curtis, S.E., Routen, A.C., Thomson, K.H., Bolden, D.S., Bock, S., Dunn, C., Cooper, A.R., Elliott, J.G., Moore, H.J., Summerbell, C.D., Tiffin, P.A., Kasim, A.S. | Clustered randomised controlled trial of two education interventions designed to increase physical activity and well-being of secondary school students: the MOVE Project | BMJ Open |
2016 | Tymms, P.B., Merrell, C., Buckley, H. | Children's development at the start of school in Scotland and the progress made during their first school year: An analysis of PIPS baseline and follow-up assessment data. | Research report for the Scottish Government. |
2016 | Ndaji, F., Coe, R., Little, J. | A comparison of Academic Achievement in Independent and State Schools | Report for the Independent Schools Council |
2016 | Merrell, C., Sayal, K, Tymms, P.B., Kasim, A. | A longitudinal study of the association between inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity and children’s academic attainment at age 11 | Learning and Individual Differences, Volume 48 (2016) |
2016 | Copping, L.T., Cramman, H., Gott, S., Gray, H., Tymms, P.B. | Name writing ability not length of name is predictive of future academic attainment | Educational Research |
2016 | Merrell, C., Tymms, P.B. | Assessing Young Children: Problems and Solutions. In Understanding What World in Oral Reading Assessments. | Montreal: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). ISBN 978-92-9189-196-2, Ref: UIS/2016/LO/TD/9, |
2016 | Ivanova, A., Kardanova, E., Merrell, C., Tymms, P.B., Hawker, D. | Checking the possibility of equating a mathematics assessment between Russia, Scotland and England for children starting school. | Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice. DOI: 10.1080/0969594X.2016.1231110 |
2016 | Merrell, C. | Understanding Monitoring in the United Kingdom Context. In Scherman, V., Bosker, R. and Howie, S. J. (Eds) | Monitoring the Quality of Education in Schools. Pub. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers. |
2017 | Merrell, C., Tymms, P.B. | Use of Images in Rating Scales | AEA Europe |
2017 | Demetriou, A., Merrell, C., Tymms , P.B. | Mapping and Predicting Literacy and Reasoning Skills from Early to Later Primary School | Learning and Individual Differences, 24, 217 – 225 |
2017 | Luyten, H., Merrell C., Tymms, P.B. | The contribution of schooling to learning gains of pupils in year 1 to 6 | School Effectiveness and School Improvement. |
2017 | Sugita, K. | 小学校における困難児への対応 教師への指導指針第2版 | Japanese translation of Merrell, C. and Tymms, P. (2012) Working with Difficult Children in Primary Schools. A Guide for Teachers – 2nd Edition. |
2017 | Robinson, L. Merrell, C. | Improving Reading: A guide for teachers | - |
2018 | Stothard, S., Copestake, G., Copping, L., McKenna, C. | Analysis of bias in the CEM 11+ test for Buckinghamshire | Internal Report |
2009 | Hendry, P. | Understanding and Using CEM Data | User-friendly guide for Alis, Yellis, MidYIS, SOSCA and the attitudinal questionnaires |
2021 | Williamson, J., Suto, I., Little, J., Jellis, C., Carroll, M. | Learning during lockdown: How socially interactive were secondary school students in England? | Research Matters |
2022 | Jellis, C., Frazer, M., Carroll, M. | What do 4 year olds know and what can they do? | INTED2022 Proceedings |
1996 | Fitzgibbon, C.T. | Judgements must be credible and fair | News Article |
1995 | Fitzgibbon, C.T. | Our A Levels set the standard | News Article |
1974 | Fitzgibbon, C.T. | The identification of mentally gifted, ‘disadvantage’ students at the eighth grade level | Report |
1995 | Fitzgibbon, C.T., Trower, P. | Reporting value added measures using statistical process control charts | Report |
1989 | Fitzgibbon, C.T. | Using performance indicators: Educational considerations | Article |
2021 | Jellis, C., Williamson, J., Suto, I. | How well do we understand wellbeing? Teachers’ Experiences in an extraordinary educational era - ICERI2021 Proceedings | ICERI2021 Proceedings |
2021 | Jellis, C., Williamson, J., Suto, I. | How well do we understand wellbeing? Teachers’ Experiences in an extraordinary educational era - Research Matters | Research Matters |
2019 | Gray, H., Lyth, A., McKenna, C., Stothard, S., Tymms, P., Copping, L. | Sex differences in variability across nations in reading, mathematics and science: a meta-analytic extension of Baye and Monseur (2016). | Large-scale Assessments in Education 7, 2. |
2022 | Hübner, N., Merrell, C., Cramman, H., Little, J., Bolden, D., & Nagengast, B. | Reading to learn? The co‐development of mathematics and reading during primary school. | Child Development, 93(6), 1760-1776. |
2022 | Suto, I., McKenna, C., Jellis, C., North, H. | Assessment as a pedagogical tool: Wellbeing in the wake of the pandemic. | Poster presentation at AEA Europe, November 2022, Dublin. |
2022 | Carroll, M., Constantinou, F. | Learning loss in the Covid-19 pandemic: teachers’ views on the nature and extent of loss | Research Matters: 34, 6-26. |
2022 | Jellis, C. | Progress in the first year at school | Research Matters: 34, 42-54. |
2020 | Cramman, H., Gott, S., Little, J., Merrell, C., Tymms, P., Copping, L.T. | Number identification: a unique developmental pathway in mathematics? | Research Papers in Education, 35(2), 117-143. |
2022 | Suto, I., Benton, T., Copestake, G. | What contributes to success in GCSEs in England? A predictive validity analysis and a model of holistic understanding | Association for Educational Assessment – Europe: Paper presentation |
2022 | Jellis, C. | Cultural challenges in Developing an Assessment for Indian Children During a Pandemic | Association for Educational Assessment – Europe: Ignite presentation |
2022 | Constantinou, F., Carroll, M. | Online teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic: an exploration of the nature and quality of teacher-student communication | Annual conference of the British Educational Research Association. |
2022 | Carroll, M., Constantinou, F. | Lessons learned from teaching in the pandemic: Impacts, responses and what worked | 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation |
2022 | Frazer, M. | Monitoring wellbeing | Mental health and wellbeing in schools conference, London. |
2023 | Suto, I. | Creating Cambridge Learner Profiles: A holistic framework for teacher insights from assessments and evaluations | Research Matters: 35 |
2023 | Jellis, C. | Use of English language levels to enhance the understanding of Cambridge Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (CEM) assessment outcomes for students who do not have English as their first language | EDULEARN23 Proceedings |
2024 | Jellis, C. | Creating a Computer Adaptive Assessment for use in Schools | INTED2024 Proceedings |
2023 | Constantinou, F., Carroll, M. | Teacher-student interactions in emergency remote teaching contexts: Navigating uncharted waters? | Learning, Culture and Social Interaction. |
2023 | Constantinou, F. | Synchronous hybrid teaching: how easy is it for schools to implement? | Research Matters: A Cambridge University Press & Assessment publication, 36, 75-87. |
2023 | Constantinou, F. | Turning a curse into a blessing: teachers’ reflections on how education has benefited from the COVID-19 disruption. | Paper presented at the Annual conference of the British Educational Research Association (BERA), Birmingham, UK. |
2023 | Carroll, M., Constantinou, F. | Teachers’ experiences of teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic. | Cambridge University Press & Assessment. |
2024 | Jellis, C. | A Short History of the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (CEM) | Research Matters: A Cambridge University Press & Assessment publication, 37, 74-83. |
2024 | Lyth, A. | The peculiar predictive power of mathematics assessments | Poster presentation at AEA Europe, November 2024, Cyprus. |