360 Insight: Implementing the complete assessment cycle

Wednesday 5 March, 8am (UK)

Webinar information

The complete assessment cycle puts the learner and learning at the centre of education - not assessments.  

Formative and summative assessments show student progress and learning. But to truly understand performance and plan for progress, we need to know their starting point. Are they meeting expectations? Are they under or overperforming?

How can we shape our teaching and learning to support our learners? 

A complete assessment cycle can help you answer these questions.

In 45 minutes, you will learn how a complete and effective assessment cycle can benefit your school as we explore: 

  • What the complete assessment cycle looks like and how to implement it 
  • The importance and impact of each stage of the cycle
  • How different assessments work together to support learning 

“We use Cambridge baseline assessments (the MidYIS test for students aged 11 to 14) and Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary assessments to provide a complete ‘ecosphere’ on the learners.”

- David Cooksey, Head of Academics, The New English School, Jordan.

Who is this for?

This webinar is ideal for Senior Leadership Teams, Principals, Vice Principals, Head Teachers, Deputy Heads, Heads of Department, and Teachers.

Not free to attend? You can still sign up; the recording will be sent to all registrants after the webinar.

We hope to see you there!

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Presenter - Annie Vincent,
Reporting & Guidance Specialist, Cambridge CEM

Annie is a former secondary English teacher with over 10 years of experience in the UK education sector. During that time Annie held curriculum responsibilities and was whole-school Literacy Coordinator. Annie is now enjoying bringing her experience in the classroom to her new role, sharing teaching and learning guidance to help educators across the world unlock their students' potential.