Insight that makes a difference: Personalising teaching & learning with baseline assessments
Tuesday 18 March, 2pm (UK)
Webinar information
How do you identify which students in your class need a challenge and which need extra support? Are some students struggling with their learning? Is that because of misconceptions or their language ability? Or maybe some are achieving beyond your expectations?
Baseline assessments support you to tailor your teaching to cater for the range of abilities within your classroom - unlock hidden talents and recognise areas for improvement.
In this webinar, you will learn about baseline assessment data and how you can use it to inform and adapt your teaching style to support all students. We will discuss:
- Using baseline assessment to understand the range of ability in your class
- How to identify students in need of a challenge or extra support
- Intervention ideas
- How to use baseline data to track progress
Who is this for?
This webinar is ideal for Principals, Vice Principals, Head Teachers, Deputy Heads, Pastoral Leads, Heads of Department and Teachers.
Not free to attend? You can still sign up; the recording will be sent to all registrants after the webinar.
We hope to see you there!

Presenter - Annie Vincent,
Reporting & Guidance Specialist, Cambridge CEM
Annie is a former secondary English teacher with over 10 years of experience in the UK education sector. During that time Annie held curriculum responsibilities and was whole-school Literacy Coordinator. Annie is now enjoying bringing her experience in the classroom to her new role, sharing teaching and learning guidance to help educators across the world unlock their students' potential.