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Powerful insight in your hands for every learner
Get the clarity you need to inform your support and ensure progress for all.
CEM assessments support you to:
- Understand student potential and progress over time
- Set realistic, motivational goals for your students
- Measure the impact of your teaching
- Monitor performance year-on-year
- Target resources and guide curriculum and instruction.
CEM assessments for students aged 3-19
CEM’s computer-based, adaptive baseline assessments provide an objective view of your students’ strengths and abilities in key areas and a wealth of data that can shape your teaching and unlock their potential.
CEM baseline and diagnostic assessments add huge value to Cambridge International Schools and the quality of its assessment is widely recognised in the UK and globally.
The InCAS [now evolved into Cambridge Primary Insight] assessment means that my teachers have a set of data which is transformational. It has given them all so much information on every individual child, so you can tailor the curriculum to ensure that every single one of them is getting the best possible educational experience.
The MidYIS data is used to establish a really good understanding of a cohort and make decisions about what is needed to move them forward. The data means that teachers understand students’ needs right from the start and they are not second-guessing what they need.
Subscriptions unlock data to make a difference:
Baseline data
Map what your students know
Predictive data
Set targets and plan next steps
Longitudinal data
Monitor trends over time
Value-added data
Review progress and share best practice
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Our data is most powerful when it’s in your hands to support your students.
Find out how other schools across the UK and around the world use their CEM assessment data to empower their teaching.
Why choose CEM?
Part of Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment, CEM assessments accurately measure a child’s potential and progress; an invaluable tool in understanding and responding to their individual educational needs.
Used by education professionals for over 30 years in over 90 countries, CEM is one of the largest and longest established providers of formative assessments for children of all ages, from early years to post-16.
CEM’s methods are research-based, evidence driven and market-tested, built on a foundation of non-commercial academic practice.